What is Paw Patrol?  Paw Patrol is intended to engage families and partner with the school to welcome, support and protect all students upon arrival every morning from 8:10-8:30 am


Adults (parents, grandparents, neighbors, community members) will be wearing safety vests and walkie-talkies and walking the perimeter of the school to:

  • Boost social behavior by greeting kids with a welcoming "hello."
  • Encourage students to be save, respectful, responsible and kind.
  • Enhance Safety by reinforcing school rules while monitoring the area.
  • Ensure students are lined up for class when the bell rings.

Join Paw Patrol! Paw Patrol training takes 5-10 minutes. Once you sign up, you will set up a training date. 


LWSD Volunteer Application must be approved. Sign up for a month or just once a week. Volunteer here!